June 2011
In question 1a you need to write about your work for the Foundation Portfolio and Advanced Portfolio units and you may refer to other media production work you have undertaken.
1a Explain how far your understanding of the conventions of existing media influenced the way you created your own media products. Refer to a range of examples in your answer to show how this understanding developed over time.
In question 1b you must write about one of your media productions only.
1b Analyse one of your coursework productions in relation to the concept of audience.
Answer one question from Section B.
Whichever question you answer you must refer to examples of at least two media areas in your answer and your answer should include reference to historical, contemporary and future media.
Media and Collective Identity
6 Discuss how one or more groups of people are represented through the media.
7 Explain the role played by the media in the construction of collective identity.