Thursday, 1 March 2012

Press Representation

Teen Trouble 2007
  • 12% of crimes committed by teens, but adults see them as the biggest threat to law and order.
  • Newspapers need to educate and entertain, therefore they show negative stories that stand out.
  • 3000 'mosquito' alarm that just affect teens in the UK.
  • 50 years ago newspapers were paying teens to start fights and would cover it in papers.
  • CCTV changed people's views and teenagers by increasing level of fear, the more camera means more criminal activity covered.
Cultivation Theory applied here, the amount of proliferation coverage makes people believe what they see is true, which interest creates moral panic.
Hypodermics needle theory, we are passive consumers and believe what we're told, this exists through the moral panic creates in the press.

'Generation ASBO'  youths become desensitised and portray themselves as what they are being represented.

Representation of Youth

IPSOS MORI Survey 2005:
40% of articles focus on violence, crime, anti-social behaviour, 71% negative

Brunel University 2007:
TV News: violent crime or celebrities, young people are only 1% of sources.

Women in Journalism 2008:
72% of articles were negative. 3.4% positive. 75% about crime, drugs and police.
Boys: Yobs, thugs, feral, hoodies, scum.

Only positive stories are about boys that died young.

What role did new media technologies, particularly social networking sites play in the London riots?
Do media cause riots or revolutions?

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